Womo Stellplatz Apps

Campervan-Stop.eu Free 2.6
Yet another camper app? Yes, why not? We hopeto have improved on search functionality and design, and to offer asupplement to other well-known search camper van or camping apps.- Search by vicinity or city / postcode or map- Search by price, distance, location, facilities- Create favourites- Comment / review function- Upload your photos- New sites and countries are being added continually- The directory is searchable using many filters, includingnegative criteria.- The app is funded by commercials.You can find camping sites, camper sites, RV sites and basic carparks which allow overnight stays for campers. At the moment, weare covering Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Poland,Italy, Switzerland, Spain and partly France and are adding newsites dailyInternet connection is required to use the app.
Bobilappen 2.6.3
Enda en bobil- og campingportal? Ja, hvorforikke? Vi har forbedret søkefunksjonalitet og design, og kan tilbyvelkjente søkemuligheter:- Søk etter nærhet, by eller postkode- Søk etter pris, avstand, beliggenhet og fasiliteter- Lagre favoritter- Kommentar- og anmeldelsefunksjonalitet- Last opp dine egne bilder- Applikasjonen er reklamefinansiert- Nye plasser og land blir hyppig oppdatert og lagt tilFinn over 7000 camping- og bobilplasser, og andre muligheter forovernatting for campingturister. For øyeblikket støtter viTyskland, Norge, Danmark, Sverige, Nederland, Polen, Italia,Sveits, Frankrike og Spania, og vi jobber hardt med å legge tilflere europeiske land.Katalogen er søkbar med mange filtre med mulighet for negativesøkekriterier. Internettilkobling er påkrevd for bruk av denneapplikasjonen.Yet bobil- and campingportal? Yes, why not? We have improved search functionality anddesign, and can provide proven search:- Search for closeness, city or zip code- Search by price, distance, location and amenities- Save favorites- Commentary and review functionality- Upload your own pictures- The application is ad-funded- New places and countries are frequently updated and addedFind over 7000 camping and mobile homes, and other options foraccommodation for campers. Currently, we support Germany, Norway,Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Switzerland, Franceand Spain, and we are working hard to add more Europeancountries.The directory is searchable by many filters with the possibilityof negative criteria. Internet connection is required to use thisapplication.
Campervan Stop Offline 2.7.1
Womo Stellplatz
Yet another camper app? Yes, why not? We hopeto have improved on search functionality and design, and to offer asupplement to other well-known search apps.- Search by vicinity or city / postcode or map- Search by price, distance, location, facilities- Over 6500 entries- Offline functionality - no need for an internet connection*- Create favourites- Comment / review function (online)- New sites and countries are being added continuallyYou can find camping sites, camper sites, RV sites and basic carparks which allow overnight stays for campers. At the moment, weare coveringGermany,Norway,Denmark,Sweden,Poland,Netherlands,Italy,Spain,SwitzerlandFranceand are adding new sites daily.Multilanguage version: english, german, french, norwegianThe directory is searchable using many filters, includingnegative criteria.*At the first startup the app needs to download map data
Campervan Stop Offline
Womo Stellplatz
Yet another camper app? Yes, why not? We hopeto have improved on search functionality and design, and to offer asupplement to other well-known search apps.- Search by vicinity or city / postcode or map- Search by price, distance, location, facilities- Over 5000 entries- Offline functionality - no need for an internet connection*- Create favourites- Comment / review function (online)- New sites and countries are being added continuallyYou can find camping sites, camper sites, RV sites and basic carparks which allow overnight stays for campers. At the moment, weare coveringGermany,Norway,Denmark,Poland,Netherlands,Italy,Spain,SwitzerlandFranceand are adding new sites daily.The directory is searchable using many filters, including negativecriteria.*At the first startup the app needs to download map data
CampingCar Stop 2.5
Encore une application pour trouverdescampings ? Oui, pourquoi pas ? Nous nous sommesefforcésd’améliorer la fonction de recherche et la présentation,tout enétendant encore l’offre des listes d'emplacement déjàconnues.- Extension continue des données d’emplacements- Recherche à proximité ou par ville/en fonction du code postalousur la carte- Recherche en fonction du prix, de l’éloignement, du site oudel’équipement- Possibilité de créer des favoris- Fonction d’évaluation- Téléchargement de vos propres photos- Sans publicité / l’application est financée pardespublicités- Il est possible de rechercher les emplacements en fonctiondenombreux critères, positifs ou négatifs.Tu trouveras ici des emplacement pour camping-cars etcaravanesautomobiles mais aussi de simples places de parking pourpasser lanuit. Pour le moment, nous couvrons la France,l’Allemagne, leDanemark, la Norvège, la Pologne, l’Italie, lesPays-Bas et laEspagne, et nous ajoutons des sites tous lesjours.Une connexion Internet est nécessaire pourutiliserl'application.Another applicationtofind the campsite? Yes why not ? We have endeavored to improvethesearch function and presentation, while still extending theofferof already known location lists.- Extension of continuous location data- Search nearby or by city / by postal code or card- Search based on price, distance, site or equipment- Ability to create favorites- Evaluation Function- Upload your own photos- No advertising / application is supported by advertisements- You can search for locations based on several criteria,positiveor negative.Here you can find space for campers and motor caravans butalsosimple parking for the night. For now, we cover France,Germany,Denmark, Norway, Poland, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain,and weadd new sites every day.An Internet connection is required to use the application.
Camping App Eu Pro 4.9.2
Womo Stellplatz
Yet another camping app? Yes, why not? We hope to have improved onsearch functionality and design, and to offer a supplement to otherwell-known search campervan or camping apps. - Over 20.000 sites -Fully offline-capable: search without internet connection -On-Route search (online, routes can be saved for offline use) -Search by vicinity or city / postcode or map - Search by price,distance, location, facilities - Create favourites - Comment /review function - Upload your photos - New sites and countries arebeing added continually - The directory is searchable using manyfilters, including negative criteria. You can find camping sites,touring sites and basic car parks which allow overnight stays forcampers.